
Improved and redesigned menu:

  • Menu search
  • Right side headings menu with scroll detection
  • Menu groups
  • Sub menus
  • Menu display names


Inside doczrc.js file there is a option to enable or disable search.

export default {
themeConfig: {
menu: {
search: true,


searchbooleantrueSpecify if the menu search should be shown.


Inside doczrc.js file there is a option.

export default {
themeConfig: {
menu: {
headings: {
rightSide: true,
scrollspy: true,
depth: 3,


rightSidebooleanfalseSpecify if the headings menu on the right should be shown.
scrollspybooleantrueSpecify if the headings menu should have scrollspy enabled.
depthnumber3Specify the depth of headings to be shown. (1 - 6)


Menu items can now be grouped into labeled sections. Inside doczrc.js file there is a groups option. The option receives an object where the key is the section name and the value is an array of menu items. The order of items is reflected in the menu.

An empty key ('') represents ungrouped values.
Only top level menu items or menu groups can be grouped into sections.
export default {
groups: {
'': [],
API: ['Components', 'UI'],


groupsobjectSpecify menu groups where object key is the group name and the value is an array of documents / pages

Menu items can now have one level of submenus. Inside each document there is a submenu option.

name: Footer
route: /ui/footer
menu: UI
submenu: Bottom
tags: ui, footer, footer config, theme, user interface, submenu, sub menu
# My mdx file


submenustringName of submenu


Sub menus do not have any custom sorting option. For this the docz menu option inside doczrc.js file can be used. Check example bellow.


Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
> Item 3.1
> Item 3.2
Item 4
Item 5
> Item 5.1
> Sub-menu 5.2
> Item 5.2.1
> Item 5.2.2
> Item 5.2.3
> Item 5.3
> Sub-menu 5.4
> Item 5.4.1
> Item 5.5
Item 6


export default {
menu: [
'Item 1',
'Item 2',
{ name: 'Item 3', menu: ['Item 3.1', 'Item 3.2'] },
'Item 4',
name: 'Item 5',
menu: [
'Item 5.1',
'Item 5.2.1', // 1st item from Sub-menu 5.2
'Item 5.2.2', // 2nd item from Sub-menu 5.2
'Item 5.2.3', // 3rd item from Sub-menu 5.2
'Item 5.3',
'Item 5.4.1', // 1st item from Sub-menu 5.4
'Item 5.5',
'Item 6',

To allow having menus with the same name a menuDisplayName option can be set inside doczrc.js file. The option receives an object where the key represents the document name and the value is a string to be displayed in the menu.

This also applies to menu names.
export default {
menuDisplayName: {
UI: 'User Interface',
Main: 'Main Container',


menuDisplayNameobjectSpecify menu display name where object key is the document name and the value is the display name