Other programming challenges and problems from codesignal and leetcode sorted by first letter/number (did not find a better way to sort/group them 😊).
Some have multiple solutions with different approaches.
- Beginner, I
- Intermediate, A
- Advanced
absoluteValuesSumMinimization I
adaNumber B
addBorder B
addTwoDigits B
addTwoNumbersList B
additionWithoutCarrying B
adjacentElementsProduct B
allLongestStrings B
almostIncreasingSequence B
alphabetSubsequence B
alphabeticShift I
alphanumericLess B
alternatingSums B
appleBoxes B
areEquallyStrong I
areSimilar B
arithmeticExpression B
arrayChange I
arrayConversion B
arrayMaxConsecutiveSum B
arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference I
arrayPacking I
arrayPreviousLess B
avoidObstacles B
arrayReplace B
candies B
candles B
centuryFromYear B
characterParity B
checkIfDoubleExists B
checkPalindrome B
chessBoardCellColor I
chessKnight B
cipher26 B
circleOfNumbers I
combs B
comfortableNumbers B
commonCharacterCount B
concatenateArrays I
constructSquare B
containsDuplicate B
copyRandomList I
countBlackCells I
countRectangles B
countSumOfTwoRepresentations2 B
createAnagram I
crosswordFormation B
increaseNumberRoundness B
integerToStringOfFixedWidth B
inorderTraversal B
invertTree I
isBeautifulString B
isCaseInsensitivePalindrome B
isDigit B
isInfiniteProcess I
isIPV4Address B
isLucky I
isMAC48Address B
isPalindrome B
isPalindromeLinkedList B
isPower B
isSmooth I
isSubstitutionCipher I
isSumOfConsecutive2 B
isTandemRepeat I
isUnstablePair B
rangeBitCount B
rangeBitCount copy B
reachNextLevel I
rectangleRotation B
reflectString B
removeArrayPart B
removeDuplicates B
removeElements B
removeNthFromEndOfOList B
removeThreeDuplicates B
replaceElements B
replaceMiddle B
replaceSequence B
reverse I
reverseInParentheses B
reverseList B
rotateArray B
rotateList B
rounders B
tennisSet B
thirdMax I
threeSplit I
timedReading B
twoSum B
twoSumOrdered B
weakNumbers B