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Z algorithm

The Z-algorithm finds occurrences of a "word" W within a main "text string" T in linear time O(|W| + |T|).

Given a string S of length n, the algorithm produces an array, Z where Z[i] represents the longest substring starting from S[i] which is also a prefix of S. Finding Z for the string obtained by concatenating the word, W with a nonce character, say $ followed by the text, T, helps with pattern matching, for if there is some index i such that Z[i] equals the pattern length, then the pattern must be present at that point.

While the Z array can be computed with two nested loops in O(|W| * |T|) time, the following strategy shows how to obtain it in linear time, based on the idea that as we iterate over the letters in the string (index i from 1 to n - 1), we maintain an interval [L, R] which is the interval with maximum R such that 1 ≤ L ≤ i ≤ R and S[L...R] is a prefix that is also a substring (if no such interval exists, just let L = R = - 1). For i = 1, we can simply compute L and R by comparing S[0...] to S[1...]. (Source: Wikipedia)


Z algorithmmn + mn * mm

* Where n = length of the source; m = length of the query pattern; k = size of the Alphabet


  • Geeksforgeeks
  • Hackerearth
  • Z Algorithm by Ivan Yurchenko